Танец страсти

Танец страсти

Танец страсти
— They are just wonderful!
Stones, used in the collection

People, who are wearing jewelry with this stone, are not nervous at all. Garnet hessonite is able to calm anger, eliminate anxiety and relieve tension. It helps to find answers to difficult life questions and removes mistakes that can be made in a hurry. The stone strengthens relationship between lovers, as well as between representatives of different generations. Moreover, it helps children understand their parents and vice versa.

Шпинель черная натуральная
Шпинель черная натуральная

Считается, что чёрная шпинель способна подарить человеку веру в собственные силы, привлечь удачу, счастье и любовь.

Products in the collection
Бриллиант., Гранат, Шпинель черная натуральная
Серьги(SB8317-48) Основной камень: Халцедон Дополнительные вставки: Гранат, Шпинель черная, Бриллиант черный
The inclusive brand “Power of Nature” is author’s jewelries.

They are created manually from silver and rare collected stones from all around the world.

Creating each collection is a long and painstaking process. Living natural stones and the author’s deep design endow jewelry with special power. Each jewelry goes through several stages of verification and only then goes on sale. The process of creating each collection takes more than 6 months.

In this section you can see all our new collections!

Happy woman is the main force of Nature