Счастье будет

Счастье будет

Счастье будет
— They are just wonderful!
Stones, used in the collection

This stone brings its owner luck and joy, gives him courage, self-confidence, hope for the best and good spirits. It is believed that amethyst is able to help a person develop inner abilities and comprehend universal wisdom. According to the opinion of esotericists, it is able to protect its owner from all sorts of temptations.

Аметрин кабошон коллекционный

Ametrine is a symbol of balance and peace. This stone helps to develop unusual abilities like clairvoyant. Sorcerers and alchemists make body amulets and jewelry with ametrine in order to enlist the support of supernatural forces and develop with their help new sacred paths and secrets. It is also believed that if you put this mineral near the bed at night, it will bring you prophetic dream.

Топаз sky blue

Topaz is able to protect you from evil eye, witchcraft and other negative effects. The stone is supposed to have the possibility to inspire your thought to people around you. These stones bring true love, trust and success.


Воздействует на улучшение финансовой ситуации и привлекает удачу, помогает сохранять душевное равновесие.Магический камень равномерно распределяет свою силу, помогая человеку в любых начинаниях.

Products in the collection
Колье и Серьги
Бриллиант., Аметист, Цитрин, Топаз Sky blue, Аметрин кабошон коллекционный
Серьги, колье (SB3604-48/SB3439-48) Основной камень: Аметрин Дополнительные вставки: Аметист, Цитрин, Топаз, Черный бриллиант
The inclusive brand “Power of Nature” is author’s jewelries.

They are created manually from silver and rare collected stones from all around the world.

Creating each collection is a long and painstaking process. Living natural stones and the author’s deep design endow jewelry with special power. Each jewelry goes through several stages of verification and only then goes on sale. The process of creating each collection takes more than 6 months.

In this section you can see all our new collections!

Happy woman is the main force of Nature